Friday, August 21, 2009

Inside-out Tuesday aka I really wasn't at the orthodontist

The week back to work after a vacation (which really wasn't much of a vacation, by the way) is always a little overwhelming. You never know what kind of situation you might be walking into. As it turns out, two people had quit in my absense! My co-worker, bless her heart, did as much of my job as time allowed her, but she didn't have much time, so it piled up. Monday turned out to be just a blur of paperwork - in at 0600, out at 1630. Tuesday I had to hang around the house because I had an orthodontist appointment (love my Invisaligns) at 0710. I went - he looked - I left.

I went to work and called another co-worker to meet me in the parking lot. I had a cooler full of salmon to delve out (from the fishing vacation). She met me at my car and we took the elevator back up to the office. She looked at me and said, "Holly, where was your head this morning?" I must have looked puzzled because she added "Your pants are on inside-out." I looked down and yep, inside-out scrub pants - seams on the outside and all. I looked at her and said "It's inside-out Tuesday. Didn't you get the memo?" Now it was her turn to look puzzled. So I sighed and said, "Ok, I have to confess. I really wasn't at the orthodontist." After a moment's thought, she laughed, I laughed and, at her suggestion, we went into the back door of the office so I could slip quietly into the bathroom and put my pants on right-side-out. She said she would never tell anyone, but I knew this story was just too good not to share.

I took great delight in telling the story to some of my co-workers at lunch causing tears of laughter (always a good thing). One of them was kind enough to point out to me that this meant that I went to the orthodontist with my pants inside-out, which, in spite of my 'I wasn't really at the orthodontist" comment, really hadn't hit me until then. More hilarity insued at my look of mortification.

My closest (meaning nearest) co-workers got the story the next day before work because I knew it was going to be a stressful day (too little staff, too many patients), so I saved telling it until then. Again, laughter and tears insued, Throughout the rest of that day, anytime anyone got stressed, the would be reminded of my inside-out pants and that would momentarily take away the stress. One co-worker, a very dear friend, told me that she really needed a good laugh that day. Turns out she was going through a bad personal issue. Glad I could help.

Seeing their reactions, I felt compelled to tell them other stories of earlier fashion faux-pas I had experienced. There was the time I had worn two different shoes to work. Not just two different shoes, but two different high heels of different heights. My co-workers were hilarious trying to imitate how I must have been walking! Then there was the time I was talking to about six male direct reports and the waistband of my slip gave away and he slip came slithering down to the floor. I just calmly stepped out of it and stuffed it in my suit pocket daring them to say one damn word. They didn't. My co-workers, however, took great delight in shimmying in imitation.

I really don't mind looking the fool as long as I can entertain others in the process. Some stories are just too good not to share. Share your foolish moments - entertain your friends - make someone else feel better - and if Diet Pepsi comes out of their nose in the process - so much the better. One more story to tell.

1 comment:

  1. You really did give us great laughs. Thank you for exploiting yourself for our amusement. And so eloquintly described. You have this way of story-telling...and that just makes it all that much better.
